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Thursday, March 15, 2012


 Julius Caesar may have been warned about the Ides of March, but here in the U. S.A. we have even more deadly adversaries OF Truth, Justice, Tolerance and The True Spirit of Christianity to be warned against such as-->


Coulter: Fluke A “Hysterical Drama Queen”

  • Robin Marty
    Since talk show host Rush Limbaugh received so much attention after calling law student and birth control mandate activist Sandra Fluke a slut, conservative columnist Ann Coulter has decided to try and one up him.
    Not only is Fluke a slut, but she’s a “hysterical drama queen,” too.  Just like the rest of the liberals in the country. . . .

    Well, it looks like those Big Brave Republican men are at it again. Hiding their scarred male chauvinism behind Their Favorite Token Female--Ann Coulter, whom I am proud to say that it was my older son who gave her the nickname which she so richly deserves---Mrs Satan.

    More and more the choice is becoming clear--each and every voter can either stand with women by voting Democrat or their can fight against equality by voting Republican.  
    In addition, each and every voter, In the U.S., can either vote for saving the future by preserving the environment for future generations or they can vote Greed and Corruption by voting Republican and take all the money made by fossil fuel energy (by way of fracking) for themselves leaving nothing but a polluted environment for generations to strive to find a way to survive in., but mostly die from.

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