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Friday, May 17, 2013

Oh, Dear Lord, Have mercy, please save us from your Church.

By Brian Tashman, Right Wing Watch
The 700 Club nut job also reminds woman that she lives in America "and good things are happening." READ MORE»
Wake Up And Smell the Coffee, People!!! Old Man Robertson is too old and too senile to be handed the microphone. He is Why fewer and fewer young people come to church!!! His hate and intolerance is a Turn Off From Church--Our Young People Were Taught over and over to get along with others and while they were doing so--They Learned Tolerance and Acceptance--To Accept the person as they are--NOT TO JUDGE THEM--INTOLERANCE IS THE ONE THING THAT YOUNGER PEOPLE WILL NOT TOLERATE.

So much for the wages of sin being death--oops, I forgot that only applies to women, not men.

By April M. Short, AlterNet
Christian leaders accountable for their actions? Well, sort of. An Evangelical news outlet blames the Jezebel. READ MORE»

After all, I have written many many times of my bitter experience working for a small Non-Union Cleaning Service, where the supervisor--a 'Holy Ghost Pain in the A$$' Bully.  A failed Evangelist who had to go to work for her younger sister--her one and only disciple.
The Supervisor Preached and Preached--Thou shalt not lie, because any one who would lie would steel and kill too---BUT--BUT She and her sister 'took those whom they accused of Witchcraft for what they were worth'.  Who knows how much they, these Holy Ghost Filled Christians--stole from clients, stole from employees and even stole from a church which they worked for. Some how they managed to frame the American Automotive Association to both the Junior and Senior Pastors of the Church and even a few of the teachers of Witchcraft at St.Paul Lutheran Church/School, in addition to more employees than I could even begin to count. After all, finding a way to accuse an employee of Witchcraft legalized them ripping off the employee of their wages.

Amen and Glory> Hallelujah the God of Greed and Corruption Reigneth?????

But, Yet, those Bullies were Persecuted for Righteousness Sake?!?!?!?!

So much for the wages of sin being death---ooops, forgot that does not apply to the leadership.

That is why this book looks like such a Good Read>>>

OGS Bulk OrderGet Jim Wallis' latest book On God's Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn't Learned About Serving the Common Good at special bulk pricing for your small group or Bible study.

And Please Do Sign Cher's Petition>>>

Take the Pro-Choice Pledge ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

 Cher -  - There are way too many Republicans in office with appallingly anti-woman, anti-family records. Now more than ever, it is critical we gear up to fight back against the radical, anti-choice GOP. That's why we're asking you to stand behind us and take an.... Read More!!!

After all, the erectile dysfunctional cure ads that I have sat through and will probably sit through, not to forget all the ads for increasing a man's testosterone -I find it insulting that Republican men have the right to not only make decisions about their own bodies, but women's bodies as well.

The Republican and the Religious Right Claim to be 'Pro-Life' but are fighting to keep children from getting the proper health care that ObamaCare will provide. This is Why They are Proving over and over again that they are Anti-Choice.

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