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Monday, February 11, 2013

Gun Sanity--Yes, The Pen Is Still Mightier Than The Sword!!!

Several shot in Delaware court, authorities say

Watch this video

Wilmington, Delaware (CNN) -- Three people are dead, including a gunman who opened fire in a courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware, Monday morning, Delaware State Police said.
Two Capitol Police officers were wounded in the gunfight in the lobby of the New Castle County Courthouse around 8 a.m., said State Police Sgt. Paul Shavack.
Investigators say the man entered the lobby, pulled out a gun and began shooting.  READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO!!!!

Dear Readers, I am passing on this e-mail, so that you remember how and why Gun Sanity is so important and why the petition is so important,so that you join with me in supporting President Obama in Fighting the Forces of Gun Insanity; A.k.a. the NRA--
One year ago, I was proud to walk onto the House floor for the State of the Union Address.

The next day, after casting my last vote, I resigned my seat in Congress.

Mark and I will be there again tomorrow night, because this is a critical moment in time for legislation to reduce gun violence in the United States.

That's also why we're releasing our first television ad on the issue. As one of the first supporters of Americans for Responsible Solutions, I wanted you to see it first.

Watch the ad and forward it to your friends:

Nine out of ten Americans support universal background checks for gun purchases.

Congress must act. Let's get this done.

Gabby Giffords

THESE ARE YET Other Reasons Why We Need Gun Sanity, here in the United States. This Is Why We Need To Stand With President Barack Obama by signing the following Petition>>>>

 care2 petitionsite actionAlert
After years on the political backburner, we now have the momentum to make real progress on this issue. We can't let this moment slip away.
Please sign the petition today! Stand With President Obama: Take Action On Gun Violence
take action

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