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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Quiz Time--After all, knowledge is power and power is best shared.

Dear Reader, I am passing on this e-mail with the hope that you to will take the quiz--After all, Knowledge is Indeed Power>>>
How many gun deaths, on average, occur in the United States each year?
Want to find out the answer? Take our quick quiz here:
We just spent this weekend with a set of incredibly brave UltraViolet members who have survived gun violence. The experience was deeply powerful. We met Casper from Wisconsin, a hunter whose daughter was murdered by her husband. He wants AR-15s off the streets. Julie from Texas lost her daughter, who was murdered by her husband when she was 39 weeks pregnant. And there was Diann, whose nephew was the victim of a drive-by shooting. And more.
We'll have more on their stories about gun violence soon. But this weekend, they had a very clear message for all of us: People need to know the facts and the truth about gun violence and how it impacts us every day.
Today you can help make sure those facts get out there. Our quick and informative quiz is easy to share online. And studies show that when it comes to social networks, people trust information and posts by their friends more than by anyone else.1  It couldn't be more important to share this information right now--too many children, mothers, fathers, wives and husbands die every day because of gun violence. If we don't get the facts out now, we may lose our chance to do something about it.
--Nita, Shaunna, Kat and Karin, the UltraViolet team

THESE---These are also the reasons that Action Is So very Important.

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