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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Supporting the Fight to Save Lives from the things that kill.

New Website Exposes NY Fracking Scandal

NY Fracking Scandal

New Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) documents indicate that Larry Schwartz, Secretary to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and one of the governor’s closest advisors, has a conflict of interest due to his stock investments...

Brad Jacobson, AlterNet
Right-wing groups are doing everyone a disservice by bashing renewables, but GOP strongholds may have the most to lose. READ MORE»

Toxic Fracking Wastewater Dumped into Sewer, Why No Arrest?

bobhaganOhio State Rep. Bob Hagan 

Do we have two different systems of justice—one for the wealthy businessperson and another for the common folk? Well it sure seems so, as the Ohio governor and business interests joined hands in the latest incident where at...READ MORE!!!


By Jonathan Dudley, Religion Dispatches
The movement initially emerged to defend racially segregated Christian schools from government intrusion. READ MORE»

Tell Congress to Pass An Inclusive Violence Against Women Act - ACTION

Carrie -
Congress shamefully failed to work together to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) last year. This year, the new Congress must put partisanship aside and the rights of ALL women first.

By Pam Martens, AlterNet
What an alligator named George reveals about wildlife killings in refuges across the country. READ MORE»

It's One Of The Craziest Internet Rumors About Guns. And As It Turns Out, It's True.

J.L. -
It's a fact so jaw-dropping it's unbelievable -- people thought it was a crazy Internet rumor until Politifact verified it.

 Dear Readers, And So I am passing on this e-mail so that you can join me in supporting>>>
I'm Judy Martin. My youngest son Christopher was shot and killed in his friend's car in an attempted car jacking.

I don't use the word closure, because there's no such a thing. When your child is murdered it's forever. But maybe there are some things we can do to prevent this from happening to more children.

I’m in Washington, DC this week to tell my members of Congress about my son and demand that the organizations standing in the way of common sense gun laws work with us to stop the flow of illegal guns to our communities.

I’m here with more than 120 gun violence survivors and family members of victims from around the country.

Please watch a short video I recorded last year, and support our efforts by calling your members of Congress from Ohio TODAY.
Watch this Video and then Call your Members of Congress

Thank you for making voices from Ohio heard at this critical moment,

Judy Martin
Mayors Against Illegal Guns

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