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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

This is For the Environment--The place We call home, Earth, where hopefully future generations will call home, too.


Groundbreaking Reports Show Fracking is a Risky, Short-Term Bubble


Hughes and Rogers suggest the fracking boom may be a costly, risky, short-term “fix” for America’s long-term dependency on depleting oil and gas. Rather than offering the nation a century of cheap energy and economic...READ MORE!!!!

Ohioans Shut Down Fracking Wastewater Storage Facility

Appalachia Resist!

Ohio residents and environmental groups including Earth First! have disrupted operations at Greenhunter Water's hydraulic fracturing or fracking wastewater storage site along the Ohio River in Washington County, Ohio. Nate Ebert, a 33-year-old Athens County resident and...READ MORE!!!!


Prevention as Cure: Breast Cancer and the Environment

Environmental Defense Fund

Breast cancer is largely a preventable disease. To reduce the risks of chemical exposures, we need tests that accurately detect breast carcinogens, and we need policies that demand...READ MORE!!!!

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Dear Readers, I am passing on this e-mail so that every American Voter can find out, that is if they do not already know, where their Senator and or Congress Person stands with or against the Environment-- Yes, Here in my home state of Ohio, we not only ought to be ashamed of ourselves, but also this shows how much more work needs to be done

Today is a big day for us. Not only are we releasing the 2012 National Environmental Scorecard, but we're also unveiling a completely new, interactive Scorecard website, where you can see all the votes we've scored going back more than 40 years.
Right now, I'm about to jump on a call to share this news with the national press, but I wanted to make sure that LCV members like you got an exclusive look at our new site before anyone else lays eyes on it.

Unfortunately the best thing that can be said about this session of the 112th Congress is that it's over.
This was hands down, the most anti-environmental House of Representatives ever. Continuing their bad record from 2011, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) forced through radical bills attacking cornerstone environmental laws such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. They pushed to drill off our shores and in the Arctic Refuge, tried to approve the harmful Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, and attacked protections for our national parks, forests, and wildlife.
If it wasn't for our champions in the U.S. Senate and the Obama Administration, many of the environmental and public health safeguards we rely on would have been lost.
Want to know if your members of Congress stood with people or polluters last year? Take a look at the 2012 National Environmental Scorecard here.

The good news is: if we can educate the public about anti-environmental legislators' records, we can build the public pressure to hold them accountable and improve our environmental policies in the years to come.
So that's why we've completely overhauled our Scorecard website to make it easier for you to access and share the information not just from this year, but every year since the National Environmental Scorecard was first released in 1971.
On our new website you can not only read about the votes and check out the scores for your members of Congress, but you can also see how your state's congressional delegation has voted compared to the rest of the country using interactive charts and maps. You can look at votes taken over the years on just one issue like clean energy or climate change. And we've built in share features that make it easy to spread the word on social media or send a message to your members of Congress to thank or reprimand them depending on their vote history.
I hope you'll take a moment to explore and share our new National Environmental Scorecard website today at:
Thanks for helping us make a major splash with this release by getting the word out today.

                Gene Karpinski
           League of Conservation Voters

today's action 4 Ways to A Greener Chinese New Year
February 10 was the start of the Chinese New Year, according to the lunar calendar. A traditionally celebrated Chinese New Year is a not the greenest of holidays. However, in a positive turn of events, it appears that this is changing.

Signs indicate that China is trying to be more environmentally conscious. Last year, after an “hours-long firework ignition spree” in Beijing on the eve of the New Year, air pollution rose dramatically. This year, Beijing authorities are asking people to limit how many fireworks they set off or forego doing so entirely.

For today’s Daily Action, in the spirit of celebrating new beginnings, read about four ways to start your Chinese New Year greener.

THANK YOU, CHINA--IF The Chinese can--so can we!! Let's Hear it For Animal Rights, Too!!!!

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