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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Here Is To Economic Health and Well-Being.

The United States and other independent governments around the world are crumbling while Ayn Rand’s billionaires are taking over.
Thirty years after her death, Ayn Rand’s philosophy of selfishness and billionaire empowerment rules the world. It’s a remarkable achievement for an ideology that was pushed to the fringes for most of her life, and ridiculed on national television in a notorious interview with Mike Wallace.  READ MORE!!!!
 This--This Is Where I believe Christian Charity comes in. After all, Is it not written in the Gospel of John. That after Jesus resurection--The Lord came and had dinner with the Discples--There did He not tell Peter, after asking him 3 Times--"Do you Love Me?" then "Feed my sheep/lambs."
This I believe should weigh the most, since Jesus spelled it out-- not once--not twice--But Three Times. This is why I believe the greatest Law is of Charity.


Les Leopold, AlterNet
When unions decline, inequality soars and we all lose. READ MORE»

Speaking of Defending the Middle Class>>>>

It’s great to have a mentor who has more experience than you, but peer mentors can be just as valuable. Here are four reasons why you should have a peer mentor and some key steps to building a peer mentoring relationship that will last a lifetime. Read more »

While well-intentioned, the effort to make our lives more balanced is actually creating one more thing to feel guilty about. Here’s what you should focus on instead.
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Ever failed so badly you didn’t want to leave your bed? Believe it or not, that could help you succeed in the long run.
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We all assume roles in our family and social circles growing up, but should those labels still stand into adulthood?
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 As a person who is currently working part-time and who has a few applications which I am waiting to hear from. There are a few things that I can say that I know, from personal experience. As for me, waiting to hear whether or not I will continue through the hiring progess is frustrating, since my future employment is in someone else's hands and there is nothing for me to do, except continue as I am with more applications; Writing this blog, which I hope makes a difference; listening to audio books at the gym--I have listened to -- 'No Excuses-The Power of Self-Discipline' by Brian Tracy and 'Just Listen' by Mark Goulston and am currently on--'Your Brain at Work' by David Rock--For those who have already read any of these book, you know why I would recommend them, but for anyone who has yet to read/listen to them, I Would Highly Recommend each and every one of them.

MoreAfter all, money is something we all have need of--One day, I hope to either have two part-time jobs, with the second becoming a full-time job, so that I can resign from the other--so that I can afford to install solar panels on my house and can afford health care and can afford to house a cat and can afford a vacation, since I would love to visit Scotland and/or Israel and/or go back to Germany, since the one time I was there when I was in the Army Reserves--it was still divided East and West, needless to say, I was in West Germany back in the Autumn of 1982--and Spain, since I am taking an On-line Spanish Course.

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