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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Today Is For The Environment--since we all call Planet Earth--Home.

arcticiceNew Satellite Data Confirms Major Arctic Ice Loss


Continued sea ice loss will further increase melting from Greenland, contributing to sea level rise and storm surge damages. Sea ice loss will also continue to crank up...READ MORE!!!

Confirmed: Tar Sands Toxic Liquid Waste Contaminating Local Waterways

Environmental Defence

tailing “For years, we’ve been concerned that toxic chemicals are leaking from the massive tailings lakes into the surrounding water. Governments repeatedly denied this...READ MORE!!!


solarRadical Shifts in Energy Policies Ignite Global Green Economy

United Nations Environment Programme

Germany, Kenya and the Republic of Korea, among other states, have set out radical changes in their energy policies to harness the power of renewables, and...READ MORE!!!


Ban Fracking Campaign, from Ireland to New Mexico

Drilling Mora County

waterfi Joining in solidarity with the work of citizens in Ireland, people in New Mexico are getting the message out that they do indeed have the rights to protect their communities from industry’s assaults against their pristine...


Force Big Oil to Pay for Climate Change ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

Cher -
A piece of legislation forcing the nation's largest polluters to pay fees for carbon and methane emissions was recently introduced. Proposed by Senators Bernie Sanders and Barbara Boxer, the bill would use government revenue generated by the fees to....READ MORE!!!

Tell Congress to Fight Climate Change ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

Cher -
Tell Congress to stand with President Obama and the thousands of Americans who marched in the Forward on Climate Rally and fight climate change. Congress should back the rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and should support cracking down on....READ MORE!!!

Tell President Obama to Limit Off-Shore Drilling Permits to Shell ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

Cher -

Currently, the Interior Department is conducting a review of Shell's drilling plans. Some members have expressed concern over, in Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's words, Shell's "series of mishaps." On February 11th, 2013, Shell announced that it will be...READ MORE!!! AND BETTER YET, PLEASE SIGN CHER'S PETITION.

Tell President Obama to Reject the Keystone Pipeline and Pass the Climate Challenge ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

Cher -
The United States and global leaders have arrived at a crossroads. One path leads to a safe, clean future powered by renewable, sustainable energy....READ MORE!!! AND BETTER YET, PLEASE SIGN ANOTHER OF CHER'S PETITIONS.

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