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Sunday, February 17, 2013

NO--The NRA Does Not Speak For Me

Dear Readers, I am sharing this e-mail, because Senator Robert Portman needs to be reminded that he was voted to the U.S. Senate By The Voters of Ohio To Represent The Voters of Ohio--not the NRA>>>

"The NRA doesn't speak for me."

That's what Ohio MoveOn member, parent, and gun owner Jerry Thompson has to say to Senator Rob Portman—the 2nd largest Senate recipient of NRA contributions1—in a powerful new ad he just filmed. It will air for the next week all over Ohio.
After the Newtown massacre and the National Rifle Association's disgusting response, Jerry had enough. 
The gun violence prevention fight is heating up in the Senate this month, and Sen. Portman holds a key vote.2 If millions of people see Jerry's ad, we can drown out the NRA's message and make Senator Portman listen to us.

Jerry's ad

The ad has already received great coverage in news outlets like CNN, USA Today and The Huffington Post.3
Senator Portman, who holds a key vote on gun violence prevention policy, recorded a video thanking the NRA for their support in 2010.4 It's now time for him to stop listening to the NRA and start listening to people like Jerry. That's why every Ohioan—and every American—needs to see this ad and relay Jerry's message to Senator Portman: The NRA doesn't speak for me.
Thanks for all you do.
–Garlin, Susannah, Eric, Linda, and the rest of the team

Their Sources for Those who need more proof>>>>

1. "NRA's allegiances reach deep into Congress," Sunlight Foundation, December 18, 2012

2. "John Boehner's Senate-first strategy," Politico, February 13, 2013
"NRA, Ohio Senator Rob Portman Targeted In New Ad Campaign," The Huffington Post, February 15, 2013
3. "First on CNN: New player in gun control ad wars," CNN, February 15, 2013
" ad targets lawmakers on gun issue," USA Today, February 15, 2013

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