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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Thoughts On This Tax Day

today's action Natural Gas Fracking: The Fossil Fuel Industry's New Low
Just when we thought the fossil fuel industry had explored every last option for exploiting and polluting the planet, they surprised us with a newer, more devious practice.

Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” a controversial method for extracting natural gas from hard to reach fissures beneath the Earth’s surface, has emerged as the newest and most sinister threat to our health and environment.

For today's Daily Action, and as a part of Care2's Earth Week, learn what you need to know about Fracking and the impact it could have on your community.-

And, Yet, If the Republican Party would continue to give 'Tax Breaks' in addition to this.

6 Rigged Rules Corporations Use to Dodge Taxes
AT&T, Boeing, Citigroup, Duke Energy and Ford reported more than $20 billion of US pre-tax income last year, but didn't pay any federal income taxes. Here's why. READ MORE
Sarah Anderson, Scott Klinger / The Nation
 I have nothing against business, per say. After all, we all need to make money, since we all have bills to pay and food to buy among many other things from causes that we believe in to one form of relaxation, entertainment or another.
What angers this blogger is the abuse of people (employees) , the abuse of the environment (pollution = destruction of the future) and not paying fair share, because then someone has to pick up the slack and we all lose. After all, Reality check, Business is Not the backbone of Any Society--The Middle Class Family is. After all, what is the point of making a product or providing a service if there are not people who can afford them.  The more people who can afford them the larger the demand and the more employees that are needed and the more people who can afford to spend which continues to create even more jobs and so on and so on. Unless, Big Business and the Republican Party become Blinded By Greed and Selfishness and become their own worst enemy on multiple levels in many ways.

It's a day ending in Y, which means if you glance around, you'll find yet another piece of evidence showing the persistence of the gender wage gap, and Tuesday is Equal Pay Day, which means there's an actual study on pay disparities. The Institute for Women's Policy Research has released an analysis showing that:
...women have lower median earnings than men in all but one of the 20 most common occupations for women, 'bookkeeping and auditing clerks,' where women and men have the same median earnings. In one of the twenty most common male occupations, 'stock clerks and order fillers,' women out-earned men by 3 percent of median male earnings.
    Read more
By Laura Clawson | Daily Kos Labor

From Right Wing Watch's indefatigable Josh Glastetter comes word of has-been rocker Ted Nugent's idea of stump remarks on behalf of GOP presidential nominee-apparent Mitt Romney, delivered at the National Rifle Association conference in St. Louis. (Video appears at the bottom of this post).
Nugent called President Obama a criminal and denounced his "vile, evil America-hating administration" which is "wiping its ass with the Constitution." Taking it a step further, he said that "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."    Read more

By Adele M. Stan | AlterNet


Big Coal will stop at nothing to defeat the EPA's groundbreaking new clean air rules.
Now FOX News "expert" Keith Ablow has accused the EPA of using "pseudo science" to guide its crucial new limits on carbon pollution, all while repeating the coal industry's lie that "carbon is safe."
But in reality, carbon pollution has been shown to trigger terrifying and dangerous asthma attacks in children, and can lead to permanent lung damage and even premature death.
Corporate polluters clearly think their profits are more important than a child's growing lungs, but I bet you don't.
And if you make a tax-deductible gift to protect our kids' health by Friday, a donor will MATCH your gift, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000.
There's no time to waste. The public comment period just opened on Friday and Big Coal will be working around the clock to weaken the rules, or defeat them altogether!
Here's what we've got planned to beat back Big Coal's attacks:
  • Hard-hitting TV ads educating the public about the dangerous health effects of carbon pollution, especially for children;
  • Door-to-door canvassers in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia collecting hundreds of thousands of comments in support of the new rules;
  • Email petitions (like the one you've signed) to gather thousands more comments in support of the rules online;
  • Phone banks to generate thousands of constituent phone calls to decision-makers, giving them the facts and debunking Big Coal's lies.
A smart, comprehensive campaign can beat back the corporate polluters and protect the air we breathe but we need your support to reach as many people as possible before the comment period ends. . . TO READ MORE GO TO-->

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