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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday Action Morning On This My Day Off From Work

today's action Tell the EPA That You Support Carbon Limits

President Obama's EPA has made history on climate by proposing federal limits on carbon pollution for power plants -- pollution that is linked to climate disruption.

We all know the devastation of 2011's record breaking extreme weather events -- from Texas' worst wildfire season in history to a terrible string of deadly tornadoes in the Midwest. As the Earth warms, severe weather events are becoming our new normal.

With strong carbon pollution protections, we can move off of outdated and dirty coal-fired power plants. Our country has 21st century clean energy technologies. It's time to use them.

For today's Daily Action, tell the EPA that we support strong industrial carbon pollution safeguards to fight climate disruption!

This is another reason why the 2012 Presidential Election will go down in history as the Ugliest, Nastiest in History.  After all, we are fighting not only for who will lead, but also for where the money goes. The oil companies and gas companies and the coal companies are still 'Big Business'-They make money off of pollution--The more Americans switch from fossil fuels to Re-usable energy, which is good for the environment and for the future generations, the more $MONEY$ THOSE Businesses LO$$.

alternative action 9 Surprising Uses for Beer
Beer. It refreshes and relaxes, it fuels sociability and cools the burn of spicy food. It is the most-widely consumed alcoholic beverage in the world, and the third most common beverage overall. For Today's Secondary Action, learn about nine alternative ways to put your brew to good use.

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