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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday's Post--A Fight For Jobs--Job Advice and Inspiration and btw, the church of which I am a member--St. Stephen Lutheran Church of Stow, Ohio--Now has a Facebook page--Please Check It out and consider 'Liking' Thank You-->

Republicans in two Congressional committees voted last week to press forward with legislation that would deny states the flexibility they requested to help more welfare recipients get jobs. READ MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!»

What is posted is only a tidbit to encourage the reading of the Whole article, not the Whole article itself.

This article presents yet another reason why we Americans Need to Re-elect President Obama. After all, the bad economy Is Not President Obama's Fault--It is the Result of Republican Sabatage. As far as why the Economy is doing better in some states, well the only state that I can answer for is my Home State of Ohio, where we have Governor Kasich Claiming the Credit--Even Though IF THE ACTUAL, FACTUAL TRUTH WAS TOLD--THE REAL REASON That Ohio Is Doing Better Than The National Average Is Because We The People of  Ohio Defeated #2 of 2011, which was Gov. Kasich's Union Busting/Job Killing Bill.

Speaking of Jobs, Again. After all, I was stuck in a dead end cleaning job, because it looked like there were no other jobs to be found--Here is to keep others from what I got stuck into--->

5 Ways Strategic Social Media Can Help Small Businesses - I often write about enterprise organizations and global brands…essentially big businesses. This is the first in a series dedicated to small businesses. One of the biggest misconceptions about socia...READ MORE!!!

Entrepreneurship: Do You Qualify For The Ride of Your Life? The 8 Point Test - Forbes - I recently received an email from a young executive in Mali, Africa in response to an article I’d written for Forbes.  She asked, from a land far away, “Can everyone be a successful business builde...READ MORE!!!

Quotes Inspiration Motivation From Famous People Daily - Man differs more from Man, than Man from Beast. John Wilmot I am from the planet of elegance. Ron Carter The worst enemy of human hope is not brute facts, but men of brains who will not face them. ...READ MORE


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