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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday's Post--Knowledge is Power--Pass It On and On For there Is Much Darkness that Must Be Dispelled!!!

OEC Opposes Drilling in Wayne National Forest
The United States Forest Service announced recently that shale drilling (fracking) will be allowed in Wayne National Forest. In a statement issued by the agency, Anne Carey, Wayne National Forest Supervisor, concluded that there was no need to amend the 2006 Forest Plan to incorporate potential surface level impacts associated with horizontal drilling. The Ohio Environmental Council joins other environmental and conservation groups in opposing this decision to allow fracking in Ohio’s only national forest. Read more.

Dear Readers, I am passing this e-mail on because it is too important not to. After all, as important as the Economy and Jobs are, the Environment Is Also Very Important. 
Take Action: Demand a Debate on the Climate Crisis.
The presidential election is in full swing, and whether you fall to the left, right, or center, one question still remains:

Will the focus be on serious issues — like climate change? Or will the media focus on frivolous gossip and insignificant issues?

The choice is yours. We’re working to make sure the climate crisis is a priority in this election, but we need your help.

Take Action: Call on Jim Lehrer, moderator of the first presidential debate, to ask President Obama and Governor Romney about the climate crisis.

The first debate, on October 3rd, is focused exclusively on domestic issues. The way extreme weather has devastated the U.S. in the last year — with heat waves, droughts, floods and wildfires — how could the topic of climate change NOT be on the table?

Millions of voters will base their votes on information gained from the debates this fall. They deserve to know how the candidates plan on addressing the climate crisis.

On PBS NewsHour, Jim Lehrer has often covered climate change with the gravity it deserves. Will you join your fellow EDF activists in asking him to do the same during the debate?

Heather Shelby
Thank you for all you do,
Heather Shelby
Action Network Coordinator

Dear Readers, I am also passing this e-mail along. After all, we all know the one and only way to have honest politicians is to keep them honest ourselves. Each and Everyone of them regardless of party, would lie as much as possible, which is why fact checking is so very very important--FACT CHECKING IS THE ONE AND ONLY WAY TO KEEP THEM FROM LYING OR AT LEAST FROM BENEFITING FROM THE LIE-->
The right wing has turned up the lies to try to win swing voters.
Maybe you saw Paul Ryan's convention speech accusing Barack Obama of slashing Medicare (but not mentioning Ryan's own plan to end Medicare as we know it). Or maybe you caught Mitt Romney's statement on Tuesday's embassy violence, claiming that Obama "sympathize[d] with those who waged the attacks."
The Republicans' strategy was summed up by a pollster for Romney, who said "We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers."
Thank goodness Mother Jones is here to fact-check the right-wing lie machine. When we expose lies, our stories—a.k.a. the facts—are picked up and amplified by media outlets across the nation.
But we need your help to turbocharge our BS-busting reporting through Election Day. As you know from your generous support in the past, Mother Jones is a nonprofit whose journalism is mostly funded by donations. If you want to help fight the lies, please renew your donation to the Mother Jones Investigative Fund.
We specialize in fact-checking and genuine investigative reporting. Newsman Bill Moyers recently praised Mother Jones, calling us "journo-detectives." But in order to keep our political lie-detector program running through Election Day, we need to raise $50,000 more by the end of next week.
Will you help us stand up for the truth this election season? Your continued support would mean a lot to our dedicated team of journalists. And of course, it's tax-deductible. Please renew your support via credit card or PayPal.
With gratitude,
Steve Katz
Steve Katz
Publisher, Mother Jones
P.S. As you know, Mother Jones is a fiercely independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit. That means we depend on supporters like you—not big-name corporate advertisers—to support our truth-telling reporting. Please renew your support today.

Speaking of Fact Checking--This Fact Proves Once Again That Romney Is NOT Worthy of the Office of President of the United States of America-->

The Day Everyone Got Mad At Romney

 The Day Everyone Got Mad At Romney

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was criticized on Wednesday for criticizing President Barack Obama in the middle of a foreign policy crisis.
Responding to the deadly attacks on the American embassy in Cairo and American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Romney criticized Obama for not taking a tough stand.
“It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks,” said Romney.
Romney based the attack on a statement that had been issued by the embassy in Cairo criticizing an anti-Muslim film, which depicts Muslim prophet Mohammed as a pedophile and fraud.
Romney’s attack, however, was quickly condemned by neutral observers, Democrats and Republicans. The embassy’s statement, which condemned “the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims,” had been issued before the attack on the embassy. The statement was not cleared through Washington.
“We are shocked that, at a time when the United States of America is confronting the tragic death of one of our diplomatic officers in Libya, Governor Romney would choose to launch a political attack,” said Obama campaign spokesperson Ben LaBolt in a statement.

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