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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday Evening Post--I am fired up and ready to blog

Normally I can read a news story and provide some reasonable perspective to give further context. But this just leaves me speechless:
Senate Republicans will press this week to extend tax cuts for affluent families scheduled to expire Jan. 1, but the same Republican tax plan would allow a series of tax cuts for the working poor and the middle class to end next year.
Republicans say the tax breaks for lower-income families — passed with little notice in the extensive 2009 economic stimulus law — were always supposed to be temporary. But President Obama had made them a priority in 2009 and demanded their extension in 2010 as a price for extending the Bush-era tax cuts for two years, and both the White House and Senate Democrats are determined to extend them again.    Read more

Personally, I see Reason X+1 of why this Independent Far Too Sane To Vote Republican This Election. After all, what can be pulled Utah, can also be pulled in any other state like Ohio.

This Is Where The Republican Party needs to learn that there is far more to being 'Pro-Life'  and 'Pro-Family' than merely being 'Anti-Choice'--There is the fact that The Middle Class Is The True BackBone and The Family Income Matter More Than The 1%.

This is where the Republican Party needs to LEARN TO WALK THE WALK, NOT JUST TALK THE TALK.

Republican 'jobs bills' aren't really jobs bills, according to economists

Speaker John Boehner, Rep. Paul Ryan, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Rep. Eric Cantor and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
These are not would-be job creators. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
It might surprise you to remember, what with all their repeal votes and abortion votes and proposals to rename the ocean after Ronald Reagan, not to mention their obstruction of actual jobs bills, but Republicans insist they have a jobs plan that's being blocked by Senate Democrats. The small problem with the Republican jobs plan, though, is that economists say it wouldn't actually create jobs. The Huffington Post's Erin Mershon writes that Gary Burtless,...
Click here to read the entire article...

 Surprise--Surprise--NOT!!!! After all, The Middle Class Is The Back Bone of Society. Families matter not only because that is where the next generation come from, but also, because there is nothing a parent would not do for their children. It is for our children that we are willing to work the extra hours to buy them what they need and sometimes even what they want. It is for our children that we sometimes call off work to go to their schools, but then work over-time to make up the pay. After all, we are parents--Our Children Matter.

Is It Any Wonder that-->
Today at noon, activists from  ACT UP, National People’s Action (NPA), Health GAP, VOCAL-NY, and National Nurses United (NNU) all gathered in Washington DC to declare that one way to fight AIDS at the national level was to implement a Robin Hood Tax. 
​From their press release:
The Robin Hood Tax movement march will bring together AIDS activists, nurses and supporters from around the U.S.  Marchers will assemble at Mt. Vernon Place and 9th St., NW (across the street from the Washington Convention Center) and proceed along New York Ave. before concluding with a rally in front of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Headquarters, 1615 H St., across from Lafayette Park. .    Read more

Three Aurora Victims Died Protecting Girlfriends

Three Aurora Victims Died Protecting GirlfriendsThree of the 12 victims of the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado died while protecting their loved ones from harm.
Jon Blunk, Matt McQuinn and Alex Teves each died while shielding their loved ones from James Holmes, a shooter who killed or injured 70 people in an early-morning massacre. . . .

take action NOW!

Tell Former State Senator That Shooting Victims Didn't "Lack Courage"!

author: Brittany E.G.

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