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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jobs--Jobs-Jobs--Part II

The real credit go to phyllismufson, I am only passing it on.

80% Of People Aren't Using LinkedIn The Way They're Supposed To

"Image: Victoria IpriBy now, most of us have LinkedIn profiles. But it's not enough to simply park your resume there, says Victoria Ipri, CEO of Modello Media, a strategy firm that offers LinkedIn c... "   To read more please click on the link.
Well, I have to confess, I am one of those who are LinkedIn, but not very actively. I am most likely one of those who is not utilizing it as I am supposed to. One day, I will. I know I need a full-time job. I know that at age 50, I need a full-time job that is less physical, but I have yet to have the computer skills to make that a reality, which is why instead of concentrating on being LinkedIn. I am attempting to concentrate on learning as much as I can about Micro Soft Office Suite from the 'How to book' that I have to going back and this time finishing the various library courses. After all, how can I prove that I do know a thing or two about computers without at least some paperwork to prove it.
Well, with the Global Economy looking like it is improving, those of us who are underemployed can start or continue to move up. I know that I need to.  I have been meaning to blog more about jobs for my fellow job hunters, but unfortunately, nothing worth passing on was coming my way or rather I have been missing them or maybe just plain too easily distracted to find them or all of the above, who knows how this mind of mine works--I know I don't. After all, the only mind that I have any awareness of is my conscious mind, which leaves out the sub-conscious mind and the UN-conscious mind.

 The examples that I need to learn from are the following and for those who, like myself, are still learning way around the computer and networking.  I know I have a whole lot to learn about networking. After all, I remember waaaay back when I was in high school, I was basically a loner--considered myself a 'lone wolf'. In addition to that I am very much an Introvert. After all, it is far easier for me to type out my thoughts than to speak them face-to-face.  Finally, I do have this shy streak that gets me into trouble by losing the nerve to speak up at the wrong time. Unfortunately, for me, by the time that I work up the nerve to speak up, then I am tempted to lose my temper because too much has been building up, but that is more than enough about me--This blog is about more than just me, it is about Hopefully and Prayerfully being part of leaving the world a better place for future generations, which begins with the present reality.

            True thanks goes to jerichotech

9 Companies Doing Social Media Right and Why

By Amy PorterfieldPublished April 12, 2011 Is your business experiencing the social media success you had hoped for? Are you curious what successful companies are actually doing to gain social medi...

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