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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Learning How To Overcome Trust Issues
Having trust issues is a debilitating component of relationships. From suspicion to outright dread toward your current significant other, trust problems can destroy relationships. How does one overcome trust traumas from the past? What does it mean to have trust issues that affect every aspect of life? Click here for more.
These are just a couple of the questions you may have if you have been taken advantage of to the point of seemingly no return.

A Definition of Distrust: Looking At Trust Issues
In order to understand issues of trust, we must first understand what trust really means. According to the dictionary, the definition of trust "implies instinctive unquestioning belief in and reliance upon something."
This may sound like a hefty emotional order, however, it is absolutely vital for our well being that we are able to find this sort of unquestioning expectation in some area of our life, be it family, friends or lovers.

Many may read this statement and point out that the word "unquestioning" is difficult to swallow.

Our human nature combined with our sometimes hurtful environment and society challenges us to question the good intentions of people continually throughout our lives.

Somehow, it comes to no surprise whatsoever that here in the United States, we have many people with many trust issues. After all, reading all the comments of various people who actually defended the father's actions and his video post-->

The Pistol-Packin’, Cigarette Smokin’, Laptop-Killin’Dad

The sad reality is that we have many violent bullies raising children. The tragedy is how are these children ever learn to trust when they are growing us in such an environment.

There is sooo much more to say about this, but writing on this subject is not easy for me--since I was there where this poor 15 year old is now. No, not by my parents, but by a drunken husband who had a violent temper.  Yes, he could be very kind and gentle, but when that did not get him exactly what he wanted the he became very violent. This is why I have said so many times that --Giving to get is not really giving. 

The saddest part of his defenders are how many of them were 'teachers'. Thank God, we have laws that limit what can or cannot be done in American classrooms. After all, if not, how many children would come home bloodied and beaten by their teachers and principals. Is it any wonder we, in the United States, have so many cyber-bullies.  After all, violence is all too many Americans understand and that does not even cover ALL the various names that those of us who spoke up in defense of his poor 15 year old daughter. 

God Save America--Looks like all We really understand is BULLYING. We are Indeed Our Own Worst Enemy.

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