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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Here is 2 Becoming A Point of Economic Light

This week President Obama has a message for Congress: Get to work:
I sent Congress a jobs bill last September full of the kinds of bipartisan ideas that would have put our fellow Americans back to work and helped reinforce our economy against those outside shocks. I sent them a plan that would have reduced the deficit by $4 trillion in a way that’s balanced – that pays for the job-creating investments we need by cutting unnecessary spending and asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more in taxes.    Read more

I don't know maybe it's me, but I remember there was a President George H. W. Bush who called on each and every American to become  'a thousand points of light'. When it comes to helping people find a job or start a business--I can only hope and pray that this blog is worthy of being a point of light. Most especially, since the odds of Congress backing up the President in this election year would be near miraclous, since the Republicans are the majority in the House and want the White House, more than any and every thing else, especially what would be for the  good of the country and her citizens.
After all, I do believe that there is light at the end of that there tunnel.

Hi, Greetings, my dear reader, I am passing this e-mail along because it looks like this recession was not only a major set back economically for many citizens and businesses, but also a set back in equality--we must not let that happen--As a woman whose husband died when sons were ages 9 and 7, I remember what it was like to take over as head of family. This is why this issue is personal to me--future generations need not suffer because Mom makes less money--The future deserves better;
I work hard at my job. And so do all of the women I know. Yet now, in 2012, women are still earning an average of 77.8 cents to every one of our male colleagues' dollars.

This is not how equality works. »

The issue of fair pay for women is again before Congress. With an unprecedented number of women breadwinners now in the workforce and hurt most by the economic slump, we need strong legislation supporting pay equity more than ever.
It’s now up to the Senate to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, which the House has already
approved with strong bipartisan support. »

The Paycheck Fairness Act would strengthen employer incentives to prevent wage discrimination and close any loopholes that have allowed this discrimination to continue.

Women have worked long and hard for equal rights in the workplace, and they deserve this support.
Tell your senators to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act. »

Thanks for taking action!
Demand Equal Pay
for All Women
Take action now.

Take Action!  


True confession--I got these e-mails--with any luck and a wing and a prayer one or both of these may be of help to someone--I can only wish that I could guarantee that they are for real--Instead I can only hope and pray.


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 But, then, there is Monster, which I hope and pray is truly International, but having only looked for jobs within the Akron, Ohio area--I am sorry that I cannot say for sure one way or another.

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