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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday's Morning Blog--Facing Challenges--Something We All Must Do--as any one could or would probably guess one of my personal challenges-- was coming up with a title of this blog.

5 Little Findings To Uncover Your Passion & Keep It Alive - When Life becomes boring and nothing seems to spark it, we wish that we could have a magic wand or a little fairy to remind us where to find our deepest inspiration. There is no doomer space than o..

I don't know about anyone else, but my challenge is to keep life from becoming to frustrating. After all, it feels like I am aways in the state of catching up. One day--one day, I would love to be running ahead of schedule, for a change. My biggest challenge is keeping up with the bills. After all, the things that I enjoy and give me the most fulfillment are things that I don't get paid to do.

How to Write a Blog Post in 30 Minutes or Less

typing - It’s Wednesday morning and you know you need to write a blog post, but you have a full day of work meetings ahead of you. Or, a few days later, it’s Friday night and the guest post you promised ano...

Wow!!! This was literally me a few minutes ago. This is why some days this blog is better than others and other times it totally lacks originality. There are times that I feel like I am in a rut and other times that I get tired of ranting and ranting. After all, I am not that angry of a person. I am really an Independent Christian Moderate who simply does not like what the Tea Party and 'Big Business' is doing.  My concern is that their actions will lead to the destruction of the Church of Jesus Christ and What is worst that I am powerless to do anything, but watch it self-destruct from the extreme Conservatism.

A Woman Entrepreneur's Advice for Startups

A Woman Entrepreneur's Advice for - New York has Internet Week, Fashion Week, and Restaurant Week. Now, there is a week devoted to women. The first S.H.E. (She Helps Empower) Summit Week launched on Monday with a focus squarely on wo...

Maybe it is me, but the more we help small businesses get started, the less likely their bosses are to take advantage of their workers.  In this Global Economy, I firmly believe that we are too interconnected not to take good care of each other.  After all, the more that we do for each other = the more others do for us and so on and so on. After all, every employee is someone else's costumer, but if that employee cannot afford to spend, then someone has lost a costumer through no fault of their own, which is not fair and is the very seed of economic disaster.

This is why I pass on as much of my e-mail that I do--Such as-->Get Business Answers

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For more information--That I do Not Guarantee, but only Hope and Pray that at least one of them will be of service--Go to, at your own risk. After all, one thing that I will never forget is having stayed at a cleaning service, which was run by Users and abusers, because as a widowed/ single Mother-I was not empowered to leave-even though it was a bad situation, for fear of unemployment and no way of providing at all for my children--THIS IS WHY IT IS SO SO VERY VERY IMPORTANT THAT I DO EVERYTHING THAT I CAN AND THEN SOME TO EMPOWER ANYONE AND EVERYONE AND THEN SOME--TO FIND A JOB AND OR TO FIND A BETTER JOB SO THAT ALL WILL BE FREE TO LEAVE A BAD WORKPLACE-WITHOUT ANY FEAR AT ALL-->
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AND/OR-->Business Evaluation Secret Shoppers Services has selected you as
Secret Shopper for our organization. You will earn $200 as our
Secret Shopper. Your employment packet will include funds for your
evaluation which would come in form a check/money order as well
as instructions attached giving you details of your first assignment.

The form of payment like we stated are in the form of either a money
orders/cashier checks which would be delivered to your residence
via one of the various courier service in a certain amount which you
would be required to cash a your bank, deduct your survey fees of
$200 ,and have the remainder funds used for the evaluation you
would be required to carry out as Secret Shopper.

After you reply this email to:

- Name (first/last):
- A d d r e s s:
- State, City, Zipcode:
- Num. Phone/cell:
- A g e:
- S e x:
- O c c u p a t i o n:
- Alt. E-mail:

We prioritize candidates from US & Europe to apply for this Offer.
Your response would be greatly appreciated, Thank you.

Best Regards,
Dedrick Smith
Agent of Recruitment
Even though, I must confess that I personally am having problems getting started here, who knows may be it is just me.

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Speaking of personal challenges--My other challenge is getting more readers and followers, which I am not too proud to beg for--IF there is anyone with any ideas of how I can atract more readers and/or followers--Please Do Leave a Comment--I promise I will Read and I will Consider any advice, but I also reserve the right not to follow, IF I Disagree with it.

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