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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day Part II

Dear Reader, I am passing on this e-mail, because voting is one of the Fundamental Rights and Duties of Adult Citizenship. This is yet another way where it takes a village to raise a child. After all, If each and everyone of us who knows anyone who is of legal voting age who is not already registered to vote then it becomes our duty and honor to encourage them to do so and to be of any assistance that is needed up to the point of how they vote. How each and everyone of us votes is up to the individual. Yes, I remember how often this blog has campaigned for and against, which I hope and pray has made an impact for the good;
Can you call Debra? She lives in Ohio and she just moved—we need to help her register to vote at her new address. And John just turned 18—he needs a call about registering in Minnesota. And LucĂ­a is a young woman from a community in Florida where registration rates are low.

Debra is part of the Rising American Electorate—the young people, unmarried women, and people of color who make up more than half of our nation's voting population. Except 42% of them aren't registered to vote.1 Like Debra.

I know you don't know Debra, and its uncomfortable to call someone you don't know. But it matters, because this election matters.

Here's our strategy, and a simple but real way you can make a difference:

We're launching a big, new, ambitious project to ensure that the "Rising American Electorate"—the unmarried women, young people and people of color Republicans want to prevent from voting—are registered and make it to the polls this November. These voters came out in record numbers in 2008, and we could lose this election without them.

Millions of voter registration forms are being mailed to people in these key demographics. The forms are arriving in their mailboxes as I write this. Today, it's as easy as it will ever possibly be for these folks to register. But in another week many of them will have misplaced the form, and we'll have missed this opportunity. Can you take 15 minutes to call and remind them to register?

Registering voters could be the key to countless races this year, top to bottom. Young people, unmarried women, and people of color—the Rising American Electorate—make up more than half of our nation's voting population, but nearly half of them aren't registered to vote.2 

That's why we are calling thousands of unregistered potential voters like Debra, John and Maria and asking them to return the voter registration form that was just mailed them. We will follow up with these newly registered voters in the fall and make sure they head to the polls, no matter how hard the right-wing tries to stop them. Our tech team has been hard at work building a cutting edge calling system, and we have developed a rigorous testing program to optimize our effectiveness. 

This could be the most important thing we can do together this election—and for the future of the progressive movement. And it starts right now with you picking up the phone and spending 15 minutes calling people to make sure they register to vote.

Thanks for all you do.

–Julia, Victoria, Emily, Elena, and the rest of the team

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