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Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Afternoon--Part III--Here is to Economic Health--Yes, We Still Can!!

@CNNMoney June 1, 2012: 2:48 PM ET

 U.S. Jobs Report � Unemployment

The May jobs report shows that employers added only 69,000 jobs, while unemployment rose to 8.2%
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Businesses hired shockingly few workers in May, throwing into doubt the strength of the economic recovery.
Only 69,000 jobs were added last month, the weakest growth in a year. The unemployment rate rose to 8.2%, the first uptick since last June......
Personally, I realize that the news is bad, but I also believe that we have the power to shape and re-shape the future. Here is to re-shaping the world for the better.

Don't pull plug on the long-term unemployed

Editor's note: Christine Owens is executive director of the National Employment Law Project.
(CNN) -- Anyone who has ever been unemployed understands that unemployment insurance is a lifeline for the jobless and their families. But that lifeline is now slipping away for the long-term unemployed, as cuts to federal unemployment extensions enacted by Congress earlier this year gradually take hold......

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