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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Calling All Ohioans to action!!! Save the Date and Save Ohio's Ground Water!!!

Save the Date!

Help us make this the biggest anti-fracking rally yet!
May 8, 2012

My Dear Fellow Ohioans, Please read and Please consider--->
It's time to show our Governor and legislators who they are accountable to: Ohioans, not the oil and gas industry! Gov. Kasich, with industry at his side, has crafted loophole-ridden fracking legislation that he hopes to push through the legislature by the end of June. Let's give him a better idea of where Ohioans stand on fracking. Join us on June 17 and help make this the biggest anti-fracking rally yet.

We're proud to partner with for a weekend of movement-building, movie screenings and activist trainings, June 14-16th. The weekend's events will lead up to the biggest anti-fracking rally yet, on June 17 at the Ohio Statehouse. RSVP to let us know if you can make it to the rally, and if you're interested, we'll send you more information about the full weekend of events. We hope you can make it for both!
This is our chance to build the anti-fracking movement into a strong, visible and persistent force that our politicians must heed. It's not okay for them to sit on the fence and use industry propaganda to justify their lack of accountability. Will you join us in Columbus June 17 to hold our elected officials accountable to the people?
Ohio needs a ban on fracking. As you may know, hydraulic fracturing is a harmful method of natural gas drilling that injects a mixture of water, sand and chemicals under high pressure into dense rock formations to crack the rock and release natural gas. Its damaging effects can include water contamination, earthquakes and increased smog pollution. That's not what Ohio wants. There are safer alternatives to natural gas, but there is no alternative to water.
RSVP here to join us for this big event:

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