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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Let Us Cry, because there is indeed evil All Around the Entire World


Today's Action Learn 22 Ways to Help Stop Violence Against Women
There aren't nearly enough people standing up against violent actions, derogatory speech, and demeaning attitudes towards women.

It's clear because there are so many atrocious behaviors that are accepted or even encouraged in our society--or worse yet, deemed as "cool." And while these attitudes exist, sexual and domestic violence is more likely to happen. We can combat violent language, actions, and anti-women sentiment by learning which things are not okay to do or say and sharing this knowledge with our friends. You may even discover that there are habits that you aren't aware of that are hurting others in the process.

For today's Daily action, learn how you can change yourself and how you can help stand up for your sisters, mothers, friends, and all the other important women in your life.
I confess this is true on so many levels on so many issues. This edition of the blog is an attempt to change that reality. Lord Help us, Jesus to remember that there is only one Race on the planet called Earth and that is the Human Race--We are indeed Family and Family takes loving care of each other no matter the cost and no matter how they differ.

Syria, Sarajevo and Srebrenica: When outrage isn't enough

By Tim Lister, CNN
May 30, 2012 -- Updated 0933 GMT (1733 HKT)
Ooops! I am sorry that there is no point to clicking on to this picture, because there will not be a video. Either because of copy rights or my own inexperience with computers.

May 30, 2012 -- Updated 0932 GMT (1732 HKT)
World powers weighed tough options to end brutality in Syria amid the aftermath of the now-infamous massacre in Houla.

Kid Sings ‘Ain’t No Homos Gonna Make it to Heaven,’ Congregation Wants More (VIDEO)

Kid Sings ‘Ain’t No Homos Gonna Make it to Heaven,’ Congregation Wants More (VIDEO)

A video has emerged of a young boy signing “Ain’t no homos gonna make it to Heaven” before a church congregation, whereby the congregation claps and hoots and makes him perform it again.
In the video (h/t Matthew Paul Turner) the child sings:
“The Bible’s right, somebody’s wrong.
The Bible’s right, somebody’s wrong.
Romans one, twenty six and twenty seven;
Ain’t no homos gonna make it to Heaven.”
IF I copied it correctly--I do mean If--when one click onto the picture the video should play with the poor innocent boy singing . . . .    :.(...

Breaking: Another 160 Girls, Teachers, Poisoned At School In Afghanistan

And here we go again: another depressing story of misogyny in Afghanistan.
Breaking: Another 160 Girls, Teachers, Poisoned At School In AfghanistanOn Tuesday, May 29, 160 schoolgirls and teachers were admitted to a hospital after a suspected poisoning at a school in Afghanistan’s northern Takhar province.
The female students, ranging in age from 10 to 20 years old, had been poisoned in their classrooms by a contaminated spray that caused the girls to suffer from vomiting, headaches, and dizziness. The attack occurred at the Ashan Dara Girls School in Talokhan, the provincial capital.
A report by Radio Free Afghanistan said that some of the girls reported smelling a foul odor before falling unconscious. One of the victims of the attack told the press that, “When I entered the class I smelled something and then I started to vomit and fall unconscious; I don’t remember what happened after that.”
We Humans are indeed our own worst enemy. We must change--We must change--We must change! After all, the Christian Far Right is only one step behind doing the very same thing.

After all--Here in the United States--In the Name of Jesus-->
From the website of New Orleans Women's Health Clinic which specifically helped "marginalized women," poor women, women of color, and transgender women as well as HIV/AIDS patients:
Thanks to the fast response of all of our supporters across the country, many of you have already heard that our office was broken into last night and set on fire. The worst damage was concentrated in our community organizing and outreach office where we store all of the resources we use to educate our community. We lost everything. We do not have an office to operate out of right now. Most of our office equipment and all of our educational resources were destroyed. Because of the targeted nature, we can only assume that this was intentional.
    Read more

AS IF!!!

I am sorry for being this dark--but there is too much darkness in the world to ignore it. After all, ignoring it will not make it go away.  We can not support the haters by keeping silent about their evil deeds. We need to expose their evil deed to the light of knowledge so that they be held responsible and their evil deeds become a thing of the past that happen no longer.--Especially The Evil Deed of Hate In The Holy Name Of Jesus, Who LOVED the World So Much that He Gave His Life to Save It.

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