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Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Evening's Call to my Fellow Americans--my Fellow Independents--my Fellow Women

Women Tell GOP ‘We Will Not Be Denied’ Health Care

Women Tell GOP ‘We Will Not Be Denied’ Health Care [Video]
Politico reports that Republicans are busily hatching a plan to try and gut the Affordable Care Act should the Supreme Court ultimately uphold its constitutionality. Given that the GOP has made it clear it has no interest in providing policy solutions that serve women and their health care needs, it’s a good time to remember just how much women gained with passage of the ACA.
Right now the law allows millions of women to get preventative services like mammograms and colonoscopies without a co-pay, and it also prevents insurance companies from dropping anyone’s coverage simply because they are sick. When other provisions of the law kick in later this year millions more women will have access to well-woman exams and birth control without a co-pay. All health plans will have to include maternity care. Once the law is fully implemented, insurance companies won’t be able to charge women higher premiums than men.
With all these benefits on the line, it’s no wonder women are speaking up to let Congress know we will not be denied access to critical health care services.
Of course, the GOP and their candidate Mitt Romney are not 'Anti-Women's health care' or 'Anti-Women's Rights' or 'Anti-Equality'.

Romney's insult to women on equal pay

By Lilly Ledbetter, Special to CNN

Will Mitt Romney support equal pay for women? Lilly Ledbetter says his silence on the issue is disconcerting."Editor's note: Lilly Ledbetter is the co-author of "Grace and Grit: My Fight for Equal Pay and Fairness at Goodyear and Beyond" (Crown Archetype)." --Sounds like a must read book for any and every young person--an high school/college young women--this book sounds like it would be very encouraging--and for high school/college young men--this book sounds like it should be a lesson in sensitivity.  Ok! that does it, Now I have got to read the book.

(CNN) -- It took more than 20 years to get an answer for the injustices I suffered as an unfairly paid worker, so I know what it's like to wait. But the six seconds of silence from Mitt Romney's campaign recently seemed like forever.
Romney's advisers held a conference call inviting reporters to ask questions. One was simple and straightforward: "Does Gov. Romney support the Lilly Ledbetter Act?"
In other words, when a woman is paid less than a man for doing the same work, does the presumptive Republican nominee support her right to fight for the equal pay she's guaranteed under the law? That's exactly what the bill that bears my name ensures -- it simply gives workers a fair shot to make their case in court. . . .

Gridlock in Congress? Blame the GOP

By Julian Zelizer, CNN Contributor
Julian Zelizer says that since 2007, congressional Republicans have taken the partisan wars to new extremes.
Editor's note: Julian Zelizer is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University. He is the author of "Jimmy Carter" (Times Books) and of the new book "Governing America" (Princeton University Press).
(CNN) -- Congress is reaching a point where it will no longer be able to function at all. Over the past two years, some members of the Republican Party have ramped up the partisan wars on Capitol Hill. They are threatening to bring the legislative process to a standstill.
For many years, journalists and scholars have lamented the rise of partisan polarization on Capitol Hill. The number of moderates has vastly declined and the number of bills that receive bipartisan support has greatly diminished. The usual culprits range from the advent of the 24-hour news cycle to changing demographics. . . .
 Enough Said.

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Again, Enough Said.
 They promise that that is where Small Business Grows, with any luck and a wing and a prayer--they are International--If they are not, please forgive me--and for anyone and everyone who has or will have their own business--God Speed and Good Luck--In this Global Economy, small businesses need all the help they can get.
After all, This blog is not Anti-Business nor Anti-Capitalism--Just Anti-Greed and Anti-Pollution; but most especially any thing or anyone who would destroy the Holy and Righteous Name of My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the land that I love--The United States of America--both of which is as important to me as each and everyone own Faith and Country are to them, which are as worthy of respect as mine is 2 me and visa versa.

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