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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day---Part II--Jobs


Recent battles against reproductive rights and unions, and the gender wage gap, make it clear that this country doesn't support mothers.READ MORE

 Yes, Forget about the cards and flowers there are so many other and better ways to Celebrate Mother's Day!


Hotels Are Hiring as Americans Hit the Road

Hotels Are Hiring as Americans Hit the RoadHotels are hiring. That simple statement is giving hope to many long-unemployed or underemployed Americans who see hotel jobs as a pathway back to full-time work—low-paying, long-hours work, but a ...

Which is a good start and a good start only, after all; a minimum wage job is better than no job at all, but to keep America growing--We need Middle Class Jobs. All minimum wage jobs do is cause a person too work as many hours as they can; until they burn out from pure exhaustion and they have nothing to show for all their work.


6 summer networking strategies

Beth Braccio Hering, Special to CareerBuilder Share This Post Summer brings about many of the same thoughts as Christmastime when it comes to networking. It's easy to make excuses for taking time o...

Networking--Networking--Networking--That is something we older job hunters need to learn and need to learn to embrace. This is probably why I hate job hunting so much and work so hard to keep a job once I get one. After all, it is so much easier for me to sit an type than to get up the nerve to talk to someone face to face.  I know I have to come up with a new list of references, but who to ask and how to ask, is something I know I must do---Now all I have to do is to get up the nerve to actually do it. After all, my problem about asking is all I can think of is how many reasons they have to say--No and too few reasons to say--yes.

I have also received all of these e-mails--with any luck and a wing and a prayer they are more than just empty promises--so take each and every one of them with a grain of salt--then again, each and everyone of them could be for real and  could be very helpful for someone--so I am passing them on just in case one of them could be helpful------>(1)Administrative / Clerical jobs references!

Search;postID=955844688126553327 for clerical administrative jobs now.

(2) This is for any wanna be writers--Good Luck and God Speed. After all, I have had many dreams of being a writer, but some how the only writing for me to work out is this blog. Well, maybe I was never meant to be a writer, if not, so be it, but at least I can be an inspiration for future writers, even if it is only the negative example of what not to do or how not to do it.

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Don't forget to ask many questions and the old saying--buyer beware!!! I am passing these on with the hope that they can help, I only wish that I could guarantee it.

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